Prayer of Praise and Thanksgiving

Dear Lord, Heavenly Father,

You, O Lord Jesus, are the Lord of glory. I thank you for the being the God of faithfulness and truth. Your Word the Bible gives me hope, joy and peace. Because you, Lord Jesus, are the Prince of Peace and the way maker. Your word is filled with so many promises. You said, “Fear not, for I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10). You are coming soon. You are the Bridegroom who is preparing for our wedding feast. Your kingdom will be completely at peace. Fear and war will be no more. What a glorious day it will be to reign and worship You forever and ever.

In the meantime Lord, let Your light shine before others, so that many will see Your good works and give glory to our Heavenly Father. Abba Daddy (Mark 1:36; “Abba,” an Aramaic word meaning Father, but in a more intimate, trusting sense; see Got Questions?) I ask that You help me to find joy in serving my husband in the same way I serve you. This is pleasing to You, Lord. Equip me to find joy in grocery shopping and cooking for my husband. Equip me to be the peacemaker in my unequally yoked home. Equip me Lord, mold me Your way as You set forth in Your Word a good example as a wife. Use me to be the example through You to may lead my husband to church, Bible study, and salvation. Give Brano the same desires in serving You, Lord, as I do because of Your goodness.

You, Father Lord in heaven, are such a good, good Father. I look forward to the day I get to rejoice and be glad to receive my reward in heaven, which will be even greater than I can began to imagine. Help me continue to seek Your kingdom first and Your righteousness.

I pray this in Your Son’s name, Jesus Christ. Amen!

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