Is the Holy Spirit a Person?

The Holy Spirit Exhibits Attributes of a Person

As we read through the New Testament, it is clearly evident that the Holy Spirit has intellect, emotion, and will.  We know that these are the three attributes that describe a person, a personality.

The mind of the Holy Spirit:  Let’s first look at scriptures that tell us the Spirit has a mind and intellect.

 “No one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.”  –2 Corinthians 2:11

“The Spirit helps us in our weakness.”  He “intercedes for us in prayer.”  The “mind” of the Spirit searches our hearts.  –Romans 8:26, 27

The Holy Spirit is a “witness.”  –Acts 5:32

The Holy Spirit “testifies.”  –Romans 8:16

Yes, the Spirit teaches, guides, and leads Christians.  The Spirit surely has a mind.

The emotions of the Holy Spirit:  Now, what about the emotions of the Holy Spirit?

“The love of the Spirit.”  –Romans 15:30

“Do not grieve the Holy Spirit.”  –Ephesians 4:30

The Spirit can be insulted.  –Hebrews 10:29

Christians can fellowship with the Spirit.  –Philippians 2:1 & 2 Corinthians 13:14

Warns against blasphemy against the Spirit.  We are told not to speak against the Spirit.  –Matthew 12:31, 32

All of these actions clearly indicate that the Holy Spirit possesses emotion.

The will of the Holy Spirit:  We now look to see if the Holy Spirit has will.

The Spirit forbids.  –Acts 16:6, 7

The Spirit appoints.  –Acts 20:28

The Spirit promises.  –Galatians 3:14

The Spirit selects Barnabas and Saul, calling them for special work.  –Acts 13:2

The Spirit assigns work to each one.  –2 Corinthians 12:11

The Spirit kept Paul and his companions from preaching in the province of Asia.  –Acts 16:6.

Christians are saved though the rebirth and renewal of the Holy Spirit.  –Titus 3:5

These, along with many other verses, clearly show us that the Holy Spirit has will.

The Greek language tells us the Holy Spirit is a person by its choice of pronouns:  He and Him – NOT It

ekeinos = he………….NOT  ekeino = it

auton = him…………..NOT   auto = it

Even when the Greek word auto is used in a passage, the pronoun should be translated to agree with the noun.

The noun we are discussing is Counselor, Comforter, Helper.  In the Greek parakletos is masculine singular.  Jesus says that He would ask the Father to send “another” Helper just like Himself in John 14:16.

allos (Greek) = “another of the same kind”  NOT  heteros (Greek) = “another of a different kind”

 Examples:  John 14:16, 17  Him/He;  John 16:7, 8  Him/He;  John 15:26  He;  John 16:13  He

The Holy Spirit refers to Himself as I and Me in Acts 13:2.  “…set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.”

It is reasonable and true that the Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Godhead, the Holy Trinity:

Peter said the Holy Spirit is God.  –Acts 5:3, 4

Paul said the Holy Spirit is Lord.  –2 Corinthians 3:17, 18

The writer of Hebrews said He is eternal.  –Hebrews 9:14

Job said the Spirit of God created Him.  –Job 33:4

Paul wrote that the Holy Spirit raised Jesus.  –Romans 8:11

If the Bible says that the Holy Spirit is Lord, God, Creator, and Eternal then who do you say is the Holy Spirit?  As Joshua declared, so every Christian declares, “as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 1:8).

The Holy Spirit is our Lord and our God!
Jesus is our Lord and our God!
The Father is our Lord and our God!

What a Mighty God is He!  He is truly the Almighty and only true God!