MSM Has Joined the Blogasphere!

Always attempting to reach out to others, we’ve joined the blogasphere.

Our absolute number one priority is to provide support for you and for your loved ones. Our contributors love those who are lost in these sects and who desire nothing more than to help them be set free from their bonds. We long to share the freedom that is found only in Jesus Christ.

As we encourage you, we also desire to expand your knowledge concerning high-demand authoritarian religious groups. While we mostly work with Jehovah’s Witnesses, we have an Mormon expert as part of our group and another person who knows a great deal about the New Age movement and several other lesser known groups. What we don’t know, we research. All of these groups, while touting different doctrines, have much in common.

We can approach the often confusing problems associated with these groups from several different, interwoven angles: high-demand and controlling, abusive, and doctrinal. As an aside, religious groups are not the only type of controlling group.  Most people would be surprised to know that there are also political (think North Korea) and economic (think prostitution and some pyramid and other marketing) groups.

So, check in with us from time to time and see what we have to offer–a word of encouragement, a book review, a short study, a prayer or just a musing. We hope to have a number of contributors, not just yours truly, so look forward to plenty of variety.

Welcome! We are called to be good Bereans, “examining the Scriptures daily, to see whether these things [are] so.” (Acts 17:10-12, NASB)

“Make sure of all things, hold fast to what is fine.” –I Thessalonians 5:21, NWT

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