Book Review: Unveiling Grace, …Our Way Out of the Mormon Church, Pt. 1

Unveiling Grace, by former Brigham Young University professor, Dr. Lynn K. Wilder, is an intimate look into not only her life and that of her family’s, but also of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, better known as the Mormon Church.

Lynn and her husband, Michael, joined the Mormon Church as young adults, newly married. Both had been raised in Christian homes, but Lynn, unschooled in the Bible, drifted in college when introduced to Freud, Darwin and Skinner among others. Michael, who believed in Jesus growing up, just couldn’t find a church that suited after leaving home.

As young marrieds, Lynn studied the Old Testament via a correspondence course and came to believe she was living in the latter days. Pastors in the churches they visited did not speak to this issue, so when two dark-suited young men came knocking to tell her of the latter days, Lynn was ripe for the picking.

Thirty years they spent in the Mormon Church, the last several in Utah when Lynn was hired by BYU (the flagship university of the Mormon Church in Provo, Utah) to teach. They rose to great heights in the church when they both became temple Mormons.

Temple Mormons are one of the highest rungs, able to enter the Mormon Temple and perform the rites required of them to earn their way to Michael getting his own planet in the afterlife and Lynn able to be his Priestess or Queen.

They were also able to perform the rituals that “baptize the dead” so those already deceased can find their way to the Mormon paradise.

The Wilders raised their four children as good Mormons, some temple Mormons. Until their sons each went on the two year mission pretty much required of each young man, they did not seriously question their faith in the Church. However, they had discovered some cracks.

Their youngest son, Micah, was the first to accept the Lord Jesus while on his mission in Florida. One thing led to another. After many hardships and tears, soon the entire family was not only out of the LDS Church, but in the arms of Jesus Christ, their confessed Lord and Savior.

Watch for Part 2 next week when I share some of the particulars Mrs. Wilder included in her book that I found fascinating. As a person more knowledgeable about the Jehovah’s Witnesses, I had some things confirmed that I thought I knew were true and I learned some brand new (to me) doctrines. Stay tuned!

Part 2 & Part 3

If you’d like to purchase Unveiling Grace, you may do so here.



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