Book Review: Unveiling Grace, …Our Way Out of The Mormon Church, Pt. 2

As promised, I am back this week to share with you some of the particulars of Mormonism. Because Lynn reveals so much, I am going to concentrate on only one area this week, her and her husband’s conversion to Mormonism. This just became a three part series. 😉

When the dark suited, well-groomed young men arrived at their door in the Wilders’ early married life, they began to present their flip charts of the time sharing what the Mormons wanted them to know about the Church.

Lynn says, “My analytical brain never slept peacefully back then. …I was so ignorant about Christianity, I didn’t even know intelligent questions to ask… The questions I conjured up came from what they presented to us.” (p. 39)

As the local congregation (ward) wooed them, Lynn explains, “This join-the-family technique was the most effective of all… Mormons understand the role that relationships play in potential converts’ willingness to accept new ideas and the LDS culture. Establishing relationships and loving people works. Mormons do it well.” (p. 40)

They were challenged “to pray about whether the Book of Mormon was true.” [Moroni 10:4, Book of Mormon] (p. 41). I should explain here that the missionaries had successfully supplanted the Bible with the Book of Mormon at this point. While they will say they believe in the Bible, they believe in it only insomuch as it is translated correctly, however the Book of Mormon “is true.”

“The Holy Ghost would tell us that the Book of Mormon was true if we asked Heavenly Father in the name of Christ with a sincere heart.” (p. 41) Mike believe it to be true and Lynn wanted to support him in this decision, so…

The Mormons were thrilled. They were publicly baptized by immersion and the next morning, during the sacrament service which is the Mormon’s normal church service, they were confirmed by “the priesthood men [standing] in a circle with their hands on my head and [declaring], ‘Receive the Holy Ghost!'” (p. 42)

Lynn concludes, “Nothing discernable happened. But a lot was about to change.” (p. 42)

Please stay tuned for a third week when I share a sampling of the uniques beliefs of Mormonism, such as Jesus’ relationship to Satan, the holy undergarments of the priesthood and the built in racism of their scriptures.

If you missed Part 1 or Part 3, click on the respective parts to read them.

If you’d like to purchase Unveiling Grace, you may do so at the Wildings’ site,

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