Fulfilled Prophecy: A Strong Apologetic, Pt. 3

May 7, 2021 E-Letter Part 3 One of the most dramatic prophecies in the Old Testament is found in Daniel 9:24-27. It is known as Daniel’s “Seventy Weeks” and is another sweeping view of history before it happens. We are posting a number of e-letters Make Sure Ministries has received from David Henke, founder of … Read More

Fulfilled Prophecy: A Strong Apologetic, Pt. 2

April 30, 2021 E-Letter Part 2 There are two items of great interest to me when it comes to God’s Chosen People. One is God preserving His people for the last two-thousand years while they are scattered to many nations in the world. During their exile they were killed and deprived of basic liberty almost … Read More

Fulfilled Prophecy: A Strong Apologetic, Pt. 1

April 23, 2021 E-Letter Part 1 In many ways and in many Old Testament passages God told Israel how He would deal with them and what His ultimate plan for them would be. God spelled it all out in Leviticus 26. They should have known but they still stumbled repeatedly as a blind man would. … Read More

New Light or Old Darkness?

March 26, 2021 E-Letter Early in the ministry (1980’s) I thought that if the JW could see firsthand how the Watchtower had contradicted itself and the Bible over time it would be an excellent way to wake them up. The contradictions in Watchtower history grew over time because they would change their interpretation of the … Read More

The BAD Bible

March 19, 2021 E-Letter In their past, the Watchtower Society has published the King James Version and the American Standard Version. These are highly regarded translations. But these translations put the Watchtower in the position of defending their false doctrines using translations that refuted that doctrine. Thus, beginning in 1950, the Watchtower published their own … Read More

Joseph Smith Said THAT?

March 12, 2021 E-Letter I was given a visitor card to call on at our church. The reason it was given to me was because the woman indicated that she was a Mormon. So, together with my ex-JW (now Christian) friend we called on her. My thought was that since she visited a Christian church, … Read More

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