
July 9, 2021 E-Letter Doublethink!!! The art of self-contradiction without being noticed. Any Bible-based cult must distinguish itself from every other group’s expression of Biblical teaching. Otherwise, the cult’s followers might get the idea that there is somewhere else to go if they have a disagreement with the cult. We are posting a number of … Read More

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Characteristics of a Spiritually Abusive Group

July 16, 2021 Just moments ago I got an email from a friend who asked if I had something that told how to recognize a high-control religious group. Below is what I sent him and I thought I would share it with you as well. It is drawn from my Spiritual Abuse Recovery Workbook. Forward … Read More

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Spiritual Abuse Recovery Workbook

August 6, 2021 E-Letter In the mid-90’s I learned about spiritual abuse by a combination of a very bad experience and reading one of the best books on the subject, The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse. This book was sent to me by two very close friends who had no idea that I was struggling with … Read More

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Joseph Smith in Nauvoo

June 25, 2021 E-Letter In the late ‘80’s Kurt Goedelman of Personal Freedom Outreach and I went to Nauvoo, Illinois to scout out the prospects for a witnessing effort at the City of Joseph Pageant. The annual outdoor pageant was one of several put on by the LDS church. The other pageants were in Palmyra, … Read More

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Questions for Jehovah’s Witnesses about Hell

June 18, 2021 Jehovah’s Witnesses under great stress and depression sometimes commit suicide to escape their living hell. They do not understand that their soul will live on consciously after death. Therefore, their fear of death is lessened by their theology. It is a good topic for discussion. We are posting a number of e-letters Make … Read More

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Watchtower Can’t Stop Lying

June 11, 2021 E-Letter The Watchtower misquotes our scholars and the ancient Patriarchs. This is in keeping with the saying, “Oh the tangled web we weave when at first we practice to deceive.” When your “truth” does not line up with the Bible you have to lie to prevent your followers from finding you out. … Read More

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Watchtower’s Holy Spirit

June 4, 2021 E-Letter While Peter thought on the vision the Spirit said unto him, “Behold three men seek thee. Arise therefore, and get thee down, and go with them, doubting nothing: For I have sent them.” Acts 10:19-20 (KJV) We are posting a number of e-letters Make Sure Ministries has received from David Henke, … Read More

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Bible and the Book of Mormon

May 28, 2021 E-Letter The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying, “Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the … Read More

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Jehovah’s Witnesses and Blood

May 21, 2021 E-Letter Thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses have died because of misinterpreting this scripture text. We are posting a number of e-letters Make Sure Ministries has received from David Henke, founder of Watchman Fellowship, Inc., an apologetics ministry, on a variety of subjects. They will post on Tuesdays into the foreseeable future. As always, … Read More

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Fulfilled Prophecy: A Strong Apologetic, Pt. 4

May 14, 2021 E-Letter Part 4 – The Conclusion I didn’t plan this “coincidence” but today is May 14, 2021, seventy-three years from the rebirth of Israel in 1948. Paul said in Romans 11:29, “The gifts and calling of God are without repentance.” And Paul was talking about God’s calling of Israel as His chosen … Read More

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